Hello sweet friends! Today’s post is something that I have put off for quite some time because I have never had what I would describe as “good” skin. From Junior High up until recently, I have always dealt with annoying acne and other weird skin issues. No matter what I tried nothing seemed to help! I love makeup as much as the next girl, but I have always wished I could confidently walk around without foundation on and FINALLY ya girl feels like she can! After lots of trial and error, pills, and skin creams I have finally found what works for me and I am soooo happy! First, I will go over my skincare routine, and then I will let y’all know some tips that helped me.

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Pj’s: Target

Skincare Routine:


1. Wash my face with my favorite facial brush and cleanser.

2. Apply my toner that is literally a mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water. Forewarning: It does not create a pleasant smell, but it gets the job done and it is super inexpensive to make! How-to linked here.

3.  Apply my favorite affordable moisturizer.

5. After applying makeup, spray face with facial spray. In one of my monthly favorites posts I actually included this in the products I regret buying segment, BUT after I wrote that post I really started to use this stuff and it made my skin feel incredible! It is really affordable too and lasts a long time!


1. Wash my face using this cleanser bar soap to remove makeup, if I wore any.

2. Wash my face with my favorite facial brush and cleanser.

3. Apply my toner that is literally a mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water. Forewarning: It does not create a pleasant smell, but it gets the job done and it is super inexpensive to make! How-to linked here.

4. Apply my prescribed acne cream when necessary on flare-ups.

5.. Apply moisturizer to keep my skin from drying out.

Weekly Masks/Treatments

I have tried out more skincare masks than I would ever like to admit, but some of my favorites include:

Origins Charcoal Mask: This bad boy WORKS! It is a little on the pricey side, but it has helped my skin so much and any time I have issues going on this mask always helps clear them up ASAP.

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Mask: This bad boy is POWERFUL. My roommate bought it and let me try it and I have loved using it ever since! I mix the powder with Apple Cider Vinegar to make it super strong and OMG if you try this, forwarning it itches when it is drying! The first time I used it I was so freaked out and almost ran to the sink to wash it off, but it is actually supposed to do that! It is intense! It makes my skin feel super clean and soft and it is really affordable.

My Skincare Tips:

Okay, I will start off by saying I am by no means a skincare expert and what has worked for me might not work for you, but I will share my tips anyway.

1. WATER WATER WATER. Seriously water is amazing for you and even better for your skin. I do not do well with scientific terms but basically, water helps flush all the bad stuff out of your body including the stuff that causes acne so get to chugging ladies!

2. Wash your face EVERYDAY! This seems like a no-brainer, but I cannot tell you the number of times I was super lazy and went to sleep without washing my face. It happens to the best of us, BUT do not let it happen often ESPECIALLY if you wear makeup every day. No matter what I always wash my face if I have makeup on before I go to bed. It helps my skin so much!

3. Wash your pillowcases often! The oils from your face can hide in those bad boys for weeks and seriously mess up your skin! While you are at it, grab a silk pillowcase which is even better for you. Mine is from Target. HOLLA! $

4. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PICK AT YOUR FACE. I used to be the worst about this and still do it sometimes, but I really try my best not to and it has helped my skin out so much. Honestly try not to touch your face at all if you can help it. Germs get all over your hands throughout the day and if you are constantly touching your face it will only make matters worse!

5. DAIRY! Okay this one was super tough for me because your girl loves all things dairy aka milk, cheese, and ice cream and giving it up was torture for me but I mostly have been successful and if I can do it you can too! I literally used to buy a gallon of milk for myself and I could drink it all easily. Do not even get me started on cheese, queso=life. BUT I started drinking almond milk which is honestly pretty good, and I do not buy cheese. I do still treat myself to pizza and queso when I go out to eat because I am not evil. I am not vegan or anything this was just more to help my skin than anything else. So far I have seen some amazing results! Of course, I do not have a before picture because I really was not expecting anything to happen. If you follow me on Instagram, I did post a photo of me without makeup on my story and that was a huge step for me so something is clearly working!

I think that is all for now! Do you follow any of these skincare tips? What are some of your favorite skincare products? Let me know below!

This post is sponsored by Clarisonic and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Kelsey at First Glance possible!

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