If you are like me, you get things done at the last minute. You also are probably late a lot and you might also love a good iced coffee. Or maybe not, but that is beside the point. The point is, Halloween will soon be upon us and if you do not have your costume ready this post is for you! I love Halloween and always have thanks to many fond memories of going trick-or-treating in my hometown. I used to end up with a pillowcase full of candy by the time the night was over. It was the best! I will say I was never that great at picking out costumes and I have never had a very good one. I have always worn basic costumes like a witch, a cat, a princess etc. I also have always waited until the last minute to throw something together. This year, I am trying to change my ways and I have already decided what I will be wearing. I still need to buy everything though… Rome was not built in a day people! I decided some of
Watermelon/Fruit Punch

This was my Halloween outfit a few years ago! I made it the day of a party and it did not take long at all! It was super cute and super easy! Three of my friends were other fruits and together we made “fruit punch” hence the tape on my hands. I cut out “seeds” from black felt and glued them onto my shirt. After that, I cut a piece of ribbon and glued it to the bottom of my shirt to be the “rind” of my watermelon. My bow is just green tulle from a roll we bought at a crafts store. So easy and so fun!
Raining Men Via Studio DIY

You probably already have almost all of these things in your closet already! You do not even necessarily need to copy the outfit. All you really need is the umbrella, printed pictures of your favorite guy’s faces, and rain boots and a rain jacket.
Scarecrow Via The Joy of Fashion

This outfit is so cute and so easy! Just grab your favorite fall flannel, denim jeans, tall boots, and a floppy hat of some sort. The sunflowers are a nice added touch too! The makeup is also super easy to recreate!
A Bachelor Contestant

This idea is so fun because tons of people watch the Bachelor so it should not be hard to figure out what you are. As an added bonus you get to wear fun cocktail attire and be extra sassy and dramatic all night! If you don’t have a fancy dress, check Goodwill! There is bound to be something! Then do your hair and makeup and walk around with a rose and a glass full of wine and you will be good to go!
Lizzie McGuire

Iconic! Am I right? This outfit is so easy and fun because you can run around singing any song from the Lizzie McGuire movie or Hillary Duff. It is a win-win!
Jenna Rink-13 Going on 30

Classic movie and classic outfit! This one is super easy too! You just need an
Do you know what you are going to be for Halloween? I have an idea but I am also kind of all over the place and after making this post I am now inspired to change my outfit for the third time. Oops!
Thank you SO much for reading!